World Walk was founded in 1997 by podiatric surgeon Dr. Cornelius Donohue after a life changing medical mission to Peru. As a volunteer physician serving the poor, he witnessed the worst medical conditions he had seen in his 17 years in medicine. He recognized the great need for lower limb medical care underdeveloped countries where there is little access for patients, few resources for underserved communities and insufficient training for medical professionals. From this need, World Walk Foundation was born.


World Walk Foundation is an international, medical relief and education 501(c)3 public, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of lower limb healthcare, reducing limb threatening diseases and deformities and increasing medical self sufficiency worldwide.

Founded on the belief that all people deserve proper medical and surgical care, our all-volunteer medical corps saves lives and limbs while helping to create medical self-sufficiency in communities of need worldwide. We strive to improve the quality of life in underserved and resource-poor communities through medical relief, health care training, distance-learning programs, and community outreach.

Very simply, we envision a world where every man, woman and child can walk unencumbered, where the burden of lower limb disease and deformity is no longer a life sentence of pain and suffering, and where communities are empowered and equipped to care for their own people.


WW‘s volunteer team of international doctors, nurses, teachers are united by a common goal: to save lives and alleviate the suffering of those affected by lower limb disease and deformity. And they know it is not enough to simply provide medical care. Millions of people are suffering from diseases and deformities that are curable by modern surgical techniques used everyday in the First World. In order to make a real difference, they must also provided the tool hands to those who will benefit most: doctors, nurses, community workers.

Our team brings resources, knowledge and training to communities in need, putting this expertise in the hands of local doctors and nurses. WW provides extensive, hands-on training for the surgical skills, community outreach and patient education needed to build self-reliance. Those who train with WW, go on to teach others in their communities, thus expanding WW’s legacy of care. We are teaching the teachers of tomorrow, today.


Some say Dr. Donohue’s plan is too ambitious but he replied that you must have to have a big plan to solve a big problem. When asked why, he simply says, “Porque no somos una raza de angeles. We are not a race of angels and therefore we must do everything we can to give those in need some relief. If we do not, we diminish the gift of our own humanity. As long as there are countless people afflicted with life-threatening limb diseases in forgotten
corners of our planet we should not rest.”